Why Sublime Text Awesome

Here are 3 reasons

The first reason is that you can try Sublime for free. And it doesn’t cost too much to buy a license. You should buy a license if you use it a lot. And especially if you use it to make mooooney 💰💰💰

Secondly! Sublime Text feels faster and more responsive than most other code editors I’ve tried.

The third reason Sublime rocks is that’s it’s very customizable. And this makes it easy to create a coding environment that suits you. So I made a class on how you can start customizing it. Watch it. Learn from it and boom 💥 you can create your happy coding place! There are so many awesome people that make rad stuff for sublime it’s ridiculous (thank you).

Here are a few resources to get you started.


This is a big personal preference. Here are a few lists.


There are a lot of pluings for Sublime. Here are a few of my favourites.


Creating your own takes some time. I find other people’s choices fantastic. Here are a few I like and a few other places you may want to look.

Color schemes

Colors are important. Especially if you’re coming form the design world.

More Sublime awesomeness

And then for more Sublime Awesomeness (because I can’t cover it all) check out these resources.

Posted on 31 Aug 2017 in Coding #sublime-text #tools

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